CIUCANI Mocassino Machinery firmly believes in the foundations of the Italian and European Constitutions. Specifically, among others, in a society based on work, equal opportunities and peace among people. In this perspective, the chance of obtaining public funding for projects aiming at protecting and promoting Italian know-how, framed in the broader context of Europe as the continent of enormous technological, scientific advancements across centuries, represents a responsibility ahead of an opportunity.
By Executive Determination No. 259 RG 1014 of May 11, 2022, a grant of € 30,000 was approved under the call POR MARCHE FESR 2014/2020 – AXIS 3 – ACTION 8.1 – ACTIONS TO SUPPORT INNOVATION AND COMPETITITIVENESS OF MPMI FOLLOWING THE EMERGENCY COVID 19, to the company Ciucani Mocassino Machinery srl for the project “Ciucani Mocassino Machinery towards innovation and digitization of the production process and strategic marketing from a 4.0 perspective.” The project aimed to improve and develop new possibilities for production processes, improved products, and business process development for subsequent increase in market share. This was done through the development of a new, targeted web marketing strategy through the implementation of a web development plan (new website, new image, digital content) and the initiation of targeted R&D activities to enable the digitization of production processes toward a 4.0 business model. The result was a new e-commerce-ready corporate website, a multi-year web-marketing strategy, the creation of digital content for the new offering, organic repositioning, and the implementation of a 4.0 interface.
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